Module Genome Analysis
The OmicsBox Genome Analysis module allows the characterization and analysis of newly sequenced genomes, from raw reads to gene structures in an efficient and user-friendly way.
- Quality Control and Assessment:Use FastQC and Trimmomatic to perform the quality control of your samples, and filter reads, and to remove low-quality bases.
- De novoAssembly: The assembly feature allows the reconstruction of whole-genome sequences without a reference genome or specific hardware requirements. Assemble sequencing data from both, short and long-read technologies with 3 different algorithms: ABySS, SPAdes, and Flye.
- Alignment and Polishing:Align short sequencing reads against large sequences with BWA, and correct draft assemblies from long-reads with Pilon.
- Repeat Masking:Mask repeats and low-complexity DNA sequences of your eukaryotic genome assemblies with RepeatMasker to improve downstream gene predictions.
- Gene Finding:Perform prokaryotic (Glimmer) and eukaryotic (Augustus) gene predictions to characterize genome structure. The eukaryotic gene prediction offers RNA-seq intron hint support.
image-20240430-143626.png Additional Resources
Genome Analysis use case: Genome Assembly Annotation Sarocladium Oryzae.
Genome Analysis Example Dataset: Download.