Uninstalling OmicsBox
OmicsBox can be uninstalled from the different operating systems.
Below one can find instructions on how to uninstall OmicsBox.
On the folder where OmicsBox has been installed you will find an uninstall.exe file.
Double-click on the .exe file and follow the wizard to complete.
By default, the OmicsBox folder is located in Local folder (C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/OmicsBox).
It can also be uninstalled directly from Programs in the Control Panel.
On the folder where OmicsBox has been installed you will find an uninstall.sh file.
Open a command line, run the command and follow the wizard to complete:
By default, the OmicsBox folder is located in your home directory (/home/[username]/OmicsBox).
Move the whole OmicsBox folder to trash.
By default, the OmicsBox folder is located in the Applications directory (/Applications/OmicsBox).